Organization 4.1:
The Role of Values in the Organizations
of the 21st Century

trieste Experience
2nd July - after parallel sessions
6.30 PM - InfoPoint Piazza Unità
During 18th century the small town of Trieste evolved untili t bacame, in the next century, the first port and the fifth city of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The social and economic developement was determined not only by the Hapsburg economic policies but also by the religious tolerance the newcomers could rely on. The freedom and privileges granted made significant groups come to Trieste, including Armenians, Serbs, Greeks, Jews, Protestants etc., which contributed to the city growth thanks to their commercial networks.
The visit to the city centre aims to reconstruct the history of the port town and its developement through some of its historical monuments and remarkable places. It also wants to underline that the religious freedom was guaranteed for all the different communities, which could build their places of worship right in the city centre.

social dinner
2nd July
8.30 PM
trattoria caprese
Piazza della Borsa 15, Trieste

Miramare Experience
Explore the city’s highlights from the sea with a half-day trip to Miramare Castle, located about 8 km north-west of Trieste.
We will catch the public see transport (Delfino verde) from riva Nazario Sauro/Molo Bersaglieri to Grignano.
During the boat trip - lasting about 40 minutes -, we will have a nice outlook on the old dismissed harbor and the coast of the Gulf. We will be approaching the Miramare Castle from the Miramare Castle Park, that is a suggestive national natural reserve with various tropical species of trees and plants.
With a 10-minute walk we will reach the precious inside of Miramare Castle, commissioned by archduke Ferdinand Maximilian of Hapsburg (1832-1868), designed in 1856 by the Austrian architect Carl Junker and finished in 1860: some rooms of the Miramare Castle maintained their original unique furniture, while those habited by Duke Amedeo of Savoy-Aosta were renovated in a rationalist style (1931-1943).
The beauty of the location combined with its legend make the atmosphere of the Castle unique!
Jewish Trieste
5th July
9 AM - InfoPoint Piazza Unità
The visit to the city centre will start with a tour of simbolic places of Jewish presence and persecution in Trieste: Piazza Unità d’Italia, where Mussolini, on 18th september 1938, announced fascist racial laws; the first Stolpersteinen - placed in front of Marcheria family, which suffered the deportation to the Nazis death camps - to conclude with what remains of the old town ghetto.
The second part wil be dedicated to the visit of the Museum of the Jewish Community of Trieste “Carlo and Vera Wagner". The museum is located in a two floors building that holds particular historical significance for the Jewish Community in Trieste, and which has been declared a site of national interest. It was previously a Jewish hospital; in the first decades of the twentieth century Via del Monte 5-7 hosted the local Jewish Agency which helped refugees fleeing Nazism as they left Trieste for Palestine and the Americas. On this site, an Ashkenazi oratory remained in use until 1987: this remains part of the Museum’s structure. In 2014-15, the Jewish Community in Trieste undertook a complete refurbishment of the Museum. There were two main goals: to promote its rich array of artifacts, which in quality and quantity are amongst the most important in Italy, and which provide a unique insight into the Jewish life in Friuli Venezia Giulia; and to ensure that the exhibition is as informative and engaging as possible for visitors, from within Italy and from further afield - thanks to the English translation of all the texts - with particular attention to schools. The artifacts held by the Museum include the Triestine Jewish Community’s collection of Judaica, including ritual objects of art which were collected after the inauguration of the Tempio Maggiore in Piazza Giotti, following the closure of the four Synagogues (scole). The collections are composed of silver items (particularly precious are the 18th century pieces made in Venice); fabrics; documents and books which record both the public and familial dimensions of Jewish life. Amongst the former owners and donors of these objects - the oldest being a Sefer breastplate engraved with gothic figures, which dates back to 1593 – we find echoes of the great families of Triestine Jews who played leading roles in the city’s history. This Museum also holds several historical documents of great significance, including a ledger of the mid-17th century and the Diplomas granted in 1771 by the Empress Maria Teresa of Habsburg. There is also material relating to the history and memory of the Triestine Jews deported to extermination camps during the Holocaust. There is a moving collection of personal objects taken by the Nazis. Hidden inside jute sacks, these belongings were discovered by the Allies and sent to Rome, where they were forgotten for decades in the basement of the Ministry of Treasury. In 2000 these items were returned to the Jewish Community of Trieste, which decided to display a number of the objects in this Museum, and to donate a small but significant selection to the Civic Museum of the Risiera di San Sabba and the Yad Vashem Museum in Jerusalem.

venice Experience
5th July
9 AM - place to be agreed
Bus transfer to Venice Airport and to Venice
(min. 30 participants)