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Trieste Città della Conoscenza

The universities, research and higher education institutions in the province of Trieste make this area one of the locations with the highest number of working units employed in the research sector in all of Europe.

The Memorandum of Understanding between the Municipality of Trieste, the local Universities and Research Institutions dates back to 2007: an active Collaboration Network joining local authorities, scientific and research institutions located in Trieste, in order to foster dialogue among its players.

The city of Trieste and its surrounding territory comprise an area with the highest development potential that aims to become a European reference point, to attract an increasingly higher number of international students and researchers, to develop tangible interactions with the business world, thereby achieving a positive spin-off on the local society and economy.

This Network - which identifies itself in the name Trieste City of Knowledge - operates in order to provide functional responses to the objectives outlined above, developing the relations between the local territory and its scientific excellence.

AIP (Associazione Italiana di Psicologia)

The AIP (Italian Association of Psychology) from 1992 is the national benchmark for psychologists working in universities and research organizations.

Emerald Insight

Emerald Publishing was founded in 1967 to champion new ideas that would advance the research and practice of business and management. 

Emerald manages a portfolio of nearly 300 journals, more than 2,500 books and over 1,500 teaching cases.

Emerald Publishing is part of Emerald Group.

Comune di Trieste


SIPLO (Società Italiana di psicologia del Lavoro e dell'Organizzazione)

SIPLO è un'associazione professionale costituita nel 1995 volta a sviluppare e diffondere la Psicologia del Lavoro e dell’Organizzazione attraverso varie modalità e strumenti (servizi, incontri, conferenze, rapporti e scambi con altre associazioni italiane e internazionali, studi e ricerche).

SIPLO promuove un sistema di relazioni nazionali e internazionali ponendosi quale interlocutore e riferimento culturale per i professionisti e le imprese che si confrontano con i temi della gestione e sviluppo delle persone, del cambiamento organizzativo e del benessere e della sicurezza sul lavoro.

SIPLO è associata aEAWOP (European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology)

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